Max Katz

Results 288 comments of Max Katz

ThreadPool is unavailable in UWP with target lower than Fall Creators Update (16267 version, if i am right). Looks like it causes your problem.

@StephenCleary I think, WaitHandles project should target netstandard1.6;netstandard2.0 instead of netstandard1.3;netstandard2.0. Or do not depend from ThreadPool, if it is possible.

Note that Flurl support net45;net46;netstandard1.1;netstandard1.3, which should be dropped to support System.Text.Json. Or use two json libs in same time for different targets.

I don't see any good reason to drop any target framework. In that PR you said only about reducing nupkg size, but is it really a problem? I mean, it...

It's just because Image doesn't work with string, but works with IBitmap

What if you will use binding to the listbox directly? Like "{Binding #ListPerson.SelectfedItem}". Also in your example you actually missed SelectfedItem to SelectedPerson binding in the ListBox itself. At least...

Instead, it should be parsed compile time. But for that some attributes-hints should be created.

Also can confirm that it works as expected with installing 6.0.102 SDK and specifying it in ```global.json```: ```json { "sdk": { "version": "6.0.102" } } ``` ``` maxkatz6@mak-kat-mb thisassembly-test %...

Sadly this issue is reproducible with stable release of this SDK. At least on mac.