Max Katz

Results 288 comments of Max Katz

@chsienki thanks for the information! I guess I can close this issue after 6.0.300 released.

Check AvaloniaEdit and Avalonia versions. Both should be latest (0.10.x) or the same older major (0.9.x)

@worldbeater I can't say for sure, but it seems like WPF-xaml will be replaced with WinUI-xaml, which works with COM world. Same for UWP. I am not sure, if it...

@stevenbrix thanks for information!

There is active proposal in WinUI repo to introduce new arrays syntax in XAML. It can cover cases with inline arrays. Although, this proposal isn't yet implemented and not...

Also with removing SQLite and adding interface for database backing, AppCenter will can return support for NetStandard1 and older UWP SDK versions. SQLite backend could be available under AppCenter.SQLite nuget...

Pretty weird that after these years there are still no framework agnostic SDK.

@BadKiko problem in your code, NoisePower.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel fails. @exe2k please check logs, with high probability there is a problem in your code.

Please, try 6.0.202 sdk version. I wonder if they had breaking changes again.

I was able to reproduce. Yes, it's caused by breaking changes in .NET 6 minor versions. This template targets Avalonia nightly version that was built with older version of .NET...