
Results 135 comments of Mattt

Huh, I hadn't considered this as a possibility. The contract for how to interpret discontiguous doc comment lines seems under-specified, and now that's got me thinking about what the right...

I can make a case for there being three desirable behaviors here: - **Do nothing**: Generate warnings, but don't change the input. - **Column Wrap**: If a line exceeds a...

Thanks for sharing this library with the community, @sindresorhus. I wanted to share some feedback that I hope might be helpful / informative: > Is this a good idea? Any...

@shengchalover That’s a great question. I think angles are different from percentages in several important ways: - Angle is a scalar + unit, whereas percentage is just a scalar -...

That sounds great, @regexident. I can't speak to the original implementation, but I agree with your proposal to deprecate and remove those functions.

A few questions: - `FloatingPoint` has three conforming types in the Swift Standard Library: `Float`, `Double`, and `Float80`. How would `Float80` be handled using this approach? - `FloatingPoint` is a...

> I would expect the API to `fatalError()` on anything but `Float` or `Double`. I think this would be a step backwards in terms of API usability. Taking the current...

> Let's say that a Float16 type is added ... Well, that didn't take long!

#177 is now merged and available as part of the 2.3.2 release. Thanks again for your help, @BrettThePark! @rth238 Can you please confirm that this is fixed for you in...

@regexident Hey, sorry for not responding sooner. I'll have a chance to review these later tonight.