
Results 135 comments of Mattt

Overall, I've very excited about your plans for 3.0, and look forward to your planned changes! Among the non-breaking changes, #143 seems like a clear win, and so does #144...

Overall, I'm 👎 on this particular approach. In the case of secrets, I think there are better patterns for storing secrets, like the credentials helpers described above or [what Rails...

> > think there are better patterns for storing secrets, like the credentials helpers described above or [what Rails does]( > > That's an interesting idea to support a built-in...

@alexcb I'm not sure how relevant this is, but do you think Earthly could use Git Credential Manager in some way? (If not directly, then as a model for how...

@lolgear For your use case, could you instead link to libgit2 in Swift Package Manager using a `systemLibrary` target? That approach has worked well for me in my Swift wrapper:...

Having dug into this a bit over the past few days, here's what I've learned: - As it turns out, our current syntactic approach isn't inherently wrong. It just had...

Alternatively, we can load [generated symbol graphs]( (JSON files generated by running `swift dump-symbol-graph` in Swift 5.3).

@b-onc What version are you using? This should be in the latest release (1.0.0-rc.1) with #282 ```console $ swift-doc --version ```

@DominikBucher12 Thanks for pointing this out. I can confirm that this isn't working as intended: