
Results 135 comments of Mattt

I agree that we should show version information, though I'm not 100% sold on that particular design (at least so long as we have a BETA there)

I'm sympathetic to wanting to customize the output, and that's something I want to have a good story for. Allowing custom HTML to be injected into the `` is one...

Related to #44

The CSS for Dark Mode itself is actually done, it's just [commented out right now]( For the launch of the first beta, I wanted to focus on getting one color...

@twodayslate This is working as intended. The generated HTML files are intended to be hosted by a web server; opening the local files in Safari won't work as expected. If...

@twodayslate Relative links have their own set of challenges and trade-offs. It would be nice to provide an option for relative vs. absolute, but there are other features that take...

@dtamiazzo That sounds like a lot of work. I think a better way would be to [start a local HTTP server]( in the output directory. For example: ```terminal $ swift-doc...

@geodesicer Have you tried running a local server as described in I'm not really interested in an PRs that would change HTML output for the purposes of local `file:///`...

@compnerd Yep. Thanks for the reminder. We'll keep a `master` branch around for a while to make sure we don't break existing clients. Prospectively, that code is a holdover from...

Thanks for sharing this PR, @biocross. I really appreciate your taking the time to work on this. I'm glad to see an alternative strategy to controlling the output of symbols...