
Results 135 comments of Mattt

@compnerd That's me. Apologies again for not being able to pay more attention to `swift-doc` last month. My schedule is open this week, and I'm working on the next release...

@compnerd Do we have any release notes / instructions for how to use `swift-doc` on Windows? I'm cutting a release now, and would love to have more information for folks...

@compnerd That'd be really helpful. Thanks! Doesn't have to be anything fancy. If you give me the exact commands, I'd be happy to fill out the prose.

@compnerd Do you have a working artifact that you built locally? For now, we could upload that as a release artifact for 1.0.0-rc.1. You _should_ have the necessary permissions to...

@compnerd Perfect! [1.0.0-rc.1]( now has `swift-doc-1.0.0-rc.1.msi` as a release asset. Does that file work as-is? Like, should we host a Zip file instead? Or are there any problems using that...

Nice work, @literalpie! I look forward to checking this out in the next day or two. In the meantime, and for posterity, would you mind sharing a few screenshots here?

@sindresorhus Curious to know, do you have any thoughts about how `MARK` headings should relate to declaration type groupings? Should we treat them as peers / alternates or should we...

@sindresorhus What if a section contains different kinds of symbols? For example: ```swift enum E { // MARK: Example case c func f() {} } ``` Would they repeat for...

Related to #44

@MaxDesiatov Please see my edit, which came in after your comment. I fully acknowledge the role for dedicated static site generators, and am committed to tailoring the CommonMark / SQLite...