
Results 66 comments of Matt

Is there a workaround?

Best workaround I could come up with was creating a Worker + Durable Object outside the managed stack, and then creating a Service Binding in the deployable WorkerScript -- be...

I don't get the secrecy and chaos around this feature

The number of things added to cloudflare-go that have yet to reach the terraform provider is astounding.

great work @meeroslav ! would it also be useful to raise an error if the `lockfileVersion` encountered is outside the expected range?

I have a similar issue, I'm trying to install the latest opentelemetry collector and null's are significant in the values tree I'm using the nodejs sdk, have set `allowNullValues: true`...

@C0DK looks like the `skip_on_run_in_progress` rule is available in the latest release

> ```ts > this._pool.on('factoryCreateError', err => { > this._pool._waitingClientsQueue.dequeue().reject(err); > }); > ``` This doesn't seem safe as there's no guarantee the error came from the first waiting client in...

I think I'm missing something here... how is this still not implemented? What are people doing if you install a component from npm and it throws while it renders? Currently...

@sam-goodwin I ended up creating a Worker + Durable Object outside the managed stack, and then using a service binding on the WorkerScript managed by pulumi