
Results 66 comments of Matt

Is there a workaround? I just discovered an open source package from npm that is a Svelte component, is throwing exceptions in prod, which causes the frontend app to freeze.

+1 - this feature would be great! have not seen a lot of activity on this project in a while though. Has it been abandoned/superseded?

I just ran into this error - is there a workaround while waiting for the merge?

Just ran into this same issue, I'm using the AWS OpenTelemetry lambda layer for nodejs. Every time I checkout a new environment, it deletes the lambda layer from `function-parameters.json`

Hi @cicdw - is streaming still on the agenda for Prefect this year? I am currently working on a flow that produces a large amount of data, and then I'd...

thanks @safareli - that makes sense! I'm just wondering what was "impure" before it was transformed to "pure"? The function calling $.getJSON is clearly impure due to the side effect...

Just came across this while trying to find a DOM structure that works with both `css-select` and `xpath` libraries. I ended up using the `parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter` package to get the resultant...

For anyone still interested in getting xpath selection working with parse5, here's the gist ✨ I've run the xpath test suite and half the tests work, the other half...

I'm going through this exercise now, manually converting a moo-based lexer into a textmate grammar - and it does not appear that this is something you could automate. The textmate...

This seems like the correct behaviour to me. `packages/one` has not declared a dependency on `eslint` and therefore should not be given access to the `eslint` CLI. If you want...