
Results 66 comments of Matt

This would be a great addition for junior engineers who don't understand the reason their import works is due to hoisting and/or node_modules flattening In the meantime, I'm setting up...

You can just squeeze deltalake and aws-sdk-pandas into a single lambda function together, but it's very close to breaching the 250mb limit. Follow the instructions here: This is a great...

I'm seeing the same error, but using the `Parser` class (which used to be named `Parse` but the change was not included in the changelog). Reproducible with the following: ```...

this is a huge blocker for people coming to testcontainers with a mac

It seems like the cleanest solution is to allow dynamic providers to tap into secrets in the same way as other providers, e.g. `cloudflare:apiToken`

just got tripped up on this issue in a different way, im running my code in a dynamic environment where the endpoint URLs change frequently and my dynamic resource is...

christ on a cracker 🍘 even `eval('process.env.X')` is rendered by the pulumi program I even tried to use something more obfuscated but that was also serialized: ``` eval( 'var x4321...

Scrapped together some time to play around with function serialization and found a way to manage secrets, or any value that should not be hard-coded into the __provider property. Values...

Is there a way to downgrade while using remix? I've given up on trying to get this working with the filesystem-based routing, and now attempting to define a route in...