
Results 66 comments of Matt

Thanks @lorefnon 🙏 I ended up writing an interpreter in JavaScript - which actually turned out to be a lot of fun, and much less code than I was anticipating!...

I'm hoping to release it as an open source project soon. It's a purpose built language for web scraping called webslang. I'm currently building out a prototype to demo to...

After some digging, this appears to be caused by the `eslint-plugin-svelte3` processor which runs on *.svelte files and creates chunks of code that are then piped through eslint. If you've...

@dummdidumm I'm looking to make use of this Github linting action: ... so that any errors picked up by eslint are visible in the Pull Request UI I believe...

@manekinekko apologies for the OTT - how are you getting `tap-mocha-reporter` working with the node test runner output?

Added a comment to with a workaround, or you could use a package patcher (e.g. `patch-package` or `pnpm patch`) to add this change to your own repo. Not sure...

> @sancelot I made a reproduction repo showing the issue (for me at least) I was able to get this working by changing the build target options. use `"format":...

@dmastag look for the project.json file in the subfolder, you'll find these options in the build target, e.g.

Achievement unlocked: It's not everyday you stumble upon a Github thread with screenshots of your Slack conversation! I've been looking into this problem again and it does seem as though...

Performance of OTel in Lambda is receiving attention again. If anyone would like to benchmark the current solutions I put together a rudimentary repo here: I've not looked at...