
Results 11 comments of lodembeep

i found this in sphinx docs : SVG to PNG (image rasterized) : https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/imgconverter.html?highlight=svg#module-sphinx.ext.imgconverter SVG to PDF : https://github.com/missinglinkelectronics/sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter Hope that helps.

@mateusnds You should be able to do the changes in transifex, use the filters to get the links, then change en to your language code. @Cobra-Bitcoin shouldn't #3545 be added...

I checked the files, downloaded from bitcoin.org the tar.gz file, used tar -xf, the binaries are precompiled so there shouldn't be any problem. The issue should be more about the...

It depends of your router, you'd better check on google for a tutorial/guide on how to open it, once you find it, simply provide the port 8333.

You should go to your MAC settings, in the security settings, and allow it. Just double check that you downloaded Bitcoin Core from bitcoin.org

You should check bitcoin.conf : https://developer.bitcoin.org/examples/intro.html

Hey guys, bumping this up since it is a very interesting feature that is worth prioritising. Mostly the Parallel or sequential signing.

Sequential would be great for us since it would let a Viewer or Approver see if the document has been signed before approving or viewing. Say i send a document...

3. makes sense too, but maybe after the sequential feature is made available, some sort of hybrid mode