Kuba Werłos

Results 57 comments of Kuba Werłos

@vesper8 it is already [merged](https://github.com/composer/composer/pull/7904) to Composer's 2.0 branch.

@AdrianHL what version of prestissimo do you use? In 0.3.10 [this](https://github.com/hirak/prestissimo/pull/207) was added.

From this output it looks prestissimo is working.

@ricardoboss can you explain why can't you simply exclude such a file(s) in `Finder` in the config?

Wouldn't [`method_argument_space`](https://github.com/PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer/blob/v3.35.1/doc/rules/function_notation/method_argument_space.rst) be a better place to handle it?

> Since changing the number by one is basically the same as changing the comparison operator. Not really, it is not. Take a look at the [example](https://infection-php.dev/r/78r7) - this clearly...

@sebastianbergmann is this something you would like to have in PHPUnit?

I like that idea. These traits introduce one level of magic and some of the checks they do are already covered by `phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules`.

Go away, you evil fixer 🍾

It is not a secret: https://github.com/PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer/blob/v3.47.1/tests/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixerTest.php#L1335-L1356 - any contribution adding support for grouped imports would be very welcomed.