Kuba Werłos

Results 57 comments of Kuba Werłos

With this library, we would have to write still all the part that updates PHPDocs, so maybe later or with another lib.

Would be nice to have indeed, can you propose a PR for it, please?

Let's have some features merged first (as we have [31](https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+label%3Akind%2Ffeature) opened feature pull requests, when I write this message) and then add [`NoUselessParenthesisFixer`](https://github.com/kubawerlos/php-cs-fixer-custom-fixers#NoUselessParenthesisFixer) here.

You can't, you should use Composer 2 now, so you don't need this plugin.

@akalongman what do you have `composer.phar` in each project for if you run `./bin/composer`?

OK, so what is the problem with using prestissimo with it?

> ci's break because of this Yes, but @hirak said he won't release a new version. `composer self-update --2` is the best workaround I guess.

> one more version is not that difficult or cumbersome. You don't have to convince me, after all, I made https://github.com/hirak/prestissimo/pull/223 > this is no workaround for multi environments Well,...

> Any Idea how I can get rid of it so that I can use composer? Your question is incorrect - you can use Composer, it's just a warning. In...

That's actually very wrong - the whole sense of this plugin is to run it on Composer 1 and you want to make it impossible. Anyways: https://github.com/hirak/prestissimo/pull/223#issuecomment-717711913