I'm trying to move real 2 xarm7 with grippers, but the grippers' controllers cannot spawn correctly. In ros2 package, there seems to exists an example of dual arm with grippre,...
hi, I'm currently working on softgym project and happened to the gif situation: cloth sticks to ground when gripped. Do you know why it happen? I select a cloth's particle...
Hi, I run a dual xarm7 launch file as below but it outputs an error and moveit doesn't work. ros2 launch xarm_moveit_config dual_xarm7_moveit_realmove.launch.py robot_ip_1:= robot_ip_2:= add_gripper_1:=true add_gripper_2:=true The logs are...
I've encountered such an error when compiling ros2 humble. It looks rcputils::fs::path operator error but the operator seems compiled through colcon build. > Starting >>> rcpputils Starting >>> rosidl_runtime_c ---...
Thank you for sharing the code! We are testing this repository's xArm part too, but we noticed xarm-python-SDK have some problems. In this code, gripper speed was set to 10000,...