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Extract Sequence from Genome According to Annotation File

Results 5 BioSeqUtils issues
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Hi, Junjun, excellent work ! I have read [your document ]( When we plot the signal peaks of chip-seq data, how can we fit the shape of each peak's column...

I got an error when running getIntronInfo and getPromoters. I used the lastest version gtf and fasta of UCSC. ![image]( These genes are present in the gtf file. ![image](

![image]( 按照我的理解,注释文件应该是跟着R包一起安装进来的吧。。。但是无法本地读取。。我是不是应该自己去网站下载呢。。。

俊俊哥,怎么改最下面那个转录本框的高度,默认的太窄了,用哪个参数呢?有的基因转录本太多,展示所有的话和上面的字符信息叠在一起了就,效果理想。 Y轴样式能改成刻度线那种吗? 之前的 trackVi函数的参数能整过来吗? 非常感谢 还有下面一个小bug 文档应该改下 ![image](

Hello, Thanks for your R package. It's very useful. when I write `trackVisProMax(Input_gtf = gtf, Input_bw = bw, query_region = list(query_chr=c('6','18'), query_start=c(85100000,82400000), query_end=c(85200000,82500000)), trans_topN = 1, add_gene_label_layer = T, sample_fill_col...
