Results 269 comments of Joyee Cheung

The full range of global [timer functions in Node.js]( - clearImmediate - clearInterval - clearTimeout - setImmediate - setInterval - setTimeout There are also `queueMicrotask` [which is experimental](, and [WebAssembly](

Also Node.js implements parts of the Performance Timing API but [it's still experimental]( and I don't recall plans to make it a global. It is intentionally different from the browser...

BTW this script can be used to find Node.js-specific globals: ```js 'use strict'; const vm = require('vm'); const globalsFromVM = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( vm.runInNewContext('Reflect.ownKeys(globalThis)') ) ); const globalsFromNode = []; for...

从其他库转过来的要小心 deepEqual 和 deepStrictEqual 的区别……(好多库的 deep equal 其实是 deepStrictEqual)

> Yeah, I realized a bit late. I've looked to the past builds in this PR, and that test was often failing. But, I couldn't get any stack trace or...

On another note, the failure only reproduced on 32-bit windows, that might be why it reproduced relatively consistently in the CI but not with a 64-bit local build. You can...

My guess is that freezing results in a memory overhead so the heap is now slightly larger than what `--max-old-space-size=4 --max-semi-space-size=1 ` allows on certain platforms. You could try to...

About the regression in v18: a CPU profile shows that the instance spends around 50% of the time on garbage collection (and indeed running the snippet with `--trace-gc-verbose` logs much...

This depends on

Probably blocked on too unless we want to skip the weak reference test in the debug build..