Jordan Sissel

Results 261 comments of Jordan Sissel

Visual test code:

![screen shot 2014-07-12 at 10 32 56 pm](

Ready for review! Specific feedback requested: - Is the `[rgb]` syntax OK? - How about the `[grayN]` syntax? - Should we also add `[greyN]` for alternate spelling? - Need more...

``` go fmt.Printf("%s\n", colorstring.Color("[_200_]this should be red")) fmt.Printf("%s\n", colorstring.Color("[_020_]this should be green")) fmt.Printf("%s\n", colorstring.Color("[_002_]this should be blue")) fmt.Printf("%s\n", colorstring.Color("[_220_]this should be yellow")) fmt.Printf("%s\n", colorstring.Color("[_022_]this should be cyan")) fmt.Printf("%s\n", colorstring.Color("[_202_]this should...

The reason for the rgb syntax is that the numbers don't really have semantic meaning. Like colors in the web, where we do `#RRGGBB` for 3 one-byte tuples (24 bit...

By way of example of the 'intensity' scale of rgb, here's what Apple Keynote offers for color selection for sliders of red, green, and blue. 0-255 here, but same principle...

Sounds good to me! I think I'm missing some context, but overall this sounds like the right strategy in terms of not having to duplicate efforts. As for having kibana...

Since em-tail doesn't display or do any calculations on characters, really, I don't think it should care what encoding the data has that it is reading - so if it's...

Probably should just read into a buffer that is set explicitly to binary mode, and let the consumer of the data care about the encoding. I'll get to fixing this...

This project has been replaced by the filewatch library. Last I knew, event machine was abandoned as a project (most recent release is 1.5 years ago), so I recommend not...