Jonathan Jacobs

Results 48 comments of Jonathan Jacobs

@gijswobben I'd also like to see a more formal description of the Eliot log structure, I've been considering a Clojure implementation. I did a pretty direct port of the Python...

Seems pretty interesting as a start. I wanted to write a React component, so anyone could drop it into their React application (including me, to build out a bigger Eliot...

Yes, that's correct. There are tests for the logging functionality called from another layer up, so the higher level invokes these within an action and there are no test failures....

Indeed I do not call `addActionFinish` because like you say that's a not something a function that didn't start an action should do. The code as it was before I...

I believe this is intentional because it is often useful to have access to the to-be-serialized object rather than the lossy serialized data. Although being able to test against the...

Instead of a silent action, what about an abridged action? I think the only output necessary to avoid the missing nodes problem is at task ID and a task level.

Indeed, I have found myself needing to declare a `Field` by hand because i wanted to allow `None` as a value, which was a bit annoying, it would be great...

It would really be fantastic to upgrade to a newer version of Vega, it's a bit sad that this PR has languished for close on a year. @JonyEpsilon Is there...

I suppose Gorilla REPL doesn't really claim to make any guarantees about writing your own Vega definitions. I'm not sure if this is over the top (or if anyone really...

For the record, my primary interest in upgrading Vega (preferably to 3.x) is access to the interactive features (signals and event processing) to achieve effects like zooming and tooltips/labels on...