Jonathan Jacobs

Results 48 comments of Jonathan Jacobs

Reading the source code for GNU Global, this looks like a bug to me. `--literal` should imply that there is in fact no regular expression. However it's worth noting that...

@leoliu I reported the bug to the GNU Global mailing list with a patch, which was accepted: I don't think this has made it into a stable release yet...

@jaredpalmer In our form-heavy application we have cases where it's important we capture as much valid data upfront as possible but we're hesitant to outright declare some user input as...

I'm not sure if this is related but I'm experiencing strange exceptions on Codesandbox when trying to *import* `redux-saga-test-plan` and the traceback ends up in JSON3 code (via `util-inspect`). I...

As far as I understand it, `jonathanj:the-branch` is the `:` Git revision syntax, so it's looking for the path `the-branch` within the tree-ish object called `jonathanj`, which is probably nothing...

I forgot what the params to `magit-log` were, in all cases above I meant `(magit-log '("master..jonathanj:the-branch"))`, sorry for any confusion as a result of this.

What is the current state of this pull request? Conversation died about a year ago and there's no further information about possible solutions or recent changes that might have made...

@weavejester Would you mind giving some kind of brief overview of what the custom multipart store might do? You previously mentioned `BoundedInputStream` but that's unfortunately only really useful for thwarting...

What about spreading an Immutable Record? I was sort of expecting it to work because `Record({a: 1}).a` is defined, whereas for a `Map` it isn't; but it doesn't work. I...

Thanks for the context. Would it be possible to preserve the improvement introduced by that commit, but avoid notifying listeners when doing the one-time initialisation? It’s not clear from the...