Gabriel Kennedy

Results 9 issues of Gabriel Kennedy

To replicate: draw a bunch of simple rectangles, or polygons to the screen within onDraw (1000 should be plenty), the FPS will tank massively. No such issue when doing this...

I am trying to init geckos client connection in a web worker, but it throws ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined. Does not happen when running on the main thread. Is...

I have found a bug where all Raycasts fail to detect intersections against the correct y position of sleeping or static bodies when the world has gravity, and their y...

Currently compression with -c/-cc strips UV data if there is no texture present. This is not always wanted, and means we need to add a placeholder texture in blender for...


I've noticed that it seems possible to add a gravityForce behaviour to a particle system, but I did not find anything regarding a velocity or acceleration behaviour. My particular intended...

Hey, I love the instancedMesh2 implementation, its fantastic. However i'd very much like the option to add a culling behaviour that works similar to CullingDynamic, however only culls objects that...


Hey, awesome work. One issue I found is that setting the renderer logarithmic depth buffer breaks the godrays completely var renderer = new WebGLRenderer({ logarithmicDepthBuffer: true, }

Clouds should be given an optional castShadow, would help with scene immersion :)


Currently the main issue I have with cannon-es/js is that is it non deterministic in real time, this is quite a major thing for a physics engine to have, would...