Joseph Musser

Results 94 issues of Joseph Musser

Edge now has extension support, so those of us who have been waiting till ad blocking was available can finally switch over! I know it's not a simple request. The...

Current: ```cs System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at TValue System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.get_Item(TKey key) ``` Proposed: ```cs System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at...


I didn't expect to see these words. Is this something that could be demystified? Using Ben.Demystifier 0.1.6 and System.CommandLin 2.0.0-beta1.20427.1 on .NET Framework 4.8: ```cs at async Task System.CommandLine.Invocation.CommandHandler.GetResultCodeAsync(object value,...

If you write workflow commands to stdout instead of making web API calls which depend on the token, the authentication issue mentioned at goes away and the performance may...

Imagine you're not relying on an MSI; you're just bin-deploying to a default (overridable) location and adding an entry to %path% for the machine (overridable to 'user' or 'none'). ```ps1...

3 - Review

Is it possible to move `C:\tools\poshgit` to `%appdata%\poshgit`? I'm using the Chocolatey package.


### Parameters - **Version** parameter: **no**. There would be no notion of the downloaded tool having a version, so no `version` or `prerelease` parameters. - **Format** parameter: **maybe** The format...

Help wanted

There are applications which do not understand the alternate directory separator; for example, There have also been multiple CLI tools I've used where I had to do `.FullName.Replace('/', '\\')`....

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When you pin the Cake version which is a recommended practice, there's nothing to remind you when it is out of date. I've seen this result in folks working within...

Help wanted

I wrote a build script today that had to check `SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTID` to see if the current build was a pull request and to form a version string. This seems like...

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