
Results 12 issues of jlgrall

Please, add an option to allow automatic linking of the URLs in texts even when they are not surrounded by angle brackets. See [URL autolinking in Github Flavored Markdown](http://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown#url-autolinking). See...

Add a `requireDir.resolve()` which would return a map of the paths instead of a map of the required paths. It would help plugins like browserify to follow your requires, without...


How difficult would it be to add to each generated element, the source line number ? With this information, I could automatically sync the scroll of the editor and the...


When I do a `rspec` on an unmodified clone of your repository, I get the following errors: ``` Failures: 1) Assets should return all sounds Failure/Error: r.should include(@sounds_file.gsub('assets/', '')) expected...

Here is a quick workaround that should work in all browsers targeted by Snap.svg (IE 9+), though I cannot test it in IE. It is partly inspired by [ThreeDubMedia's jquery.event.drag](http://threedubmedia.com/code/event/drag),...

Here is a function to zoom to the bounding box of an element: ``` javascript // Inspired by https://gist.github.com/mbostock/4699541 var zoomToBBox = function(elem) { var width = svg.node.clientWidth, height =...


In [your threshold code](https://github.com/huei90/snap.svg.zpd/blob/master/snap.svg.zpd.js#L130), you refuse values that exceed the threshold: ``` javascript if (matrix.d >= threshold[1]) { return; } ``` This code can cause problems if: - the mousewheel...


I want only some elements to be draggeable. So I use Snap.svg's element.drag(). But this conflicts with the drag and pan functions from zpd. Here is a quick workaround which...


Scaled elements move faster or slower than the mouse. Here is a simple JSFiddle showing the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/jlgrall/pjnp8zy4/

**Description of feature:** `map.put()` already [infers the key from the identifier](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree/blob/master/API.md#typesmap) Add the same behavior for when we apply a new snapshot, so that we can pass a list of...

brainstorming/wild idea
help/PR welcome