It might be easier to look at an already existing Firefox extension or Greasemonkey extension that does URL autolinking for webpages in the browser.
Thx for the follow up. Yep, I am still interested. It is to allow the listing and loading of plug-in modules on-demand. Now, I had to put my project on...
Yeah, Node.js is better than ruby for a JavaScript library :) Meanwhile, I started an entity-component-system engine. The idea is close to your EntityJS which is an entity-component engine (and...
Thanks. I do agree that collaboration is better, but unfortunately entity-component-system is _quite different_ from entity-component. For example, no game logic should ever be implemented in a component, which makes...
Hi, thx for your answer. What I would do is that at the mousedown I would get the globalMatrix, see if it has scaling in it. Then during mousemove, compute...
Yes, it would work with using an array instead of a map and adding a resolve/get/findById/whatever. But I am not sure that it would make _sense_, because I never use...