snap.svg.zpd copied to clipboard
Zoom to bounding box
Here is a function to zoom to the bounding box of an element:
// Inspired by
var zoomToBBox = function(elem) {
var width = svg.node.clientWidth,
height = svg.node.clientHeight,
minScale = zpdElement.options.zoomThreshold[0],
maxScale = zpdElement.options.zoomThreshold[1],
filling = 0.9,
bbox = elem.getBBox(),
dx = bbox.x2 - bbox.x,
dy = bbox.y2 - bbox.y,
x = (bbox.x + bbox.x2) / 2,
y = (bbox.y + bbox.y2) / 2,
realScale = filling / Math.max(dx / width, dy / height),
scale = Math.min(Math.max(realScale, minScale), maxScale),
translateX = width / 2 - scale * x,
translateY = height / 2 - scale * y,
m = Snap.matrix(scale, 0, 0, scale, translateX, translateY);
zpd.animate({ transform: m }, 400, mina.easeout);
- filling = 0.9: the bounding box takes at most 90% of the screen.
- doesn't account for undefined zoomThresholds.
@jlgrall It doesn't work :cry: Would you mind see this again?
This worked for me, (please notice I removed the respect for maxScale):
function zoomToBBox(elem) {
var zpdElement ='#snapsvg-zpd-';
var width = paper.node.clientWidth,
height = paper.node.clientHeight,
filling = 0.9,
bbox = elem.getBBox(),
x = (bbox.x + bbox.x2) / 2,
y = (bbox.y + bbox.y2) / 2,
scale = filling / Math.max(bbox.w / width, bbox.h / height),
translateX = width / 2 - scale * x,
translateY = height / 2 - scale * y,
m = Snap.matrix(scale, 0, 0, scale, translateX, translateY);
// paper.animate({ transform: m }, 400, mina.easeout);
I created a PR for the code integrated into the plugin as seen here:
when I console.log(bbox) I get {x: , y: , width: , height: } I don't see any bbox.x2, bbox.y2, bbox.w or bbox.h. Can someone explain what x2 and y2 are supposed to be?
its not working properly in mozilla firefox . can someone pls help. The rootSvg.clientWidth and rootSvg.clientHeight values are zero.
var zoomToElement = function(el, filling, overrideScale, interval, ease, cb){ var zpdElement = snapsvgzpd.dataStore[].element, rootSvg = snapsvgzpd.dataStore[].data.root, width = rootSvg.clientWidth, height = rootSvg.clientHeight,