Results 275 comments of Jeremy Lainé

Can you please provide the *minimal* code to reproduce your issue?

Again, could you please provide a reduced testcase for this issue? We definitely want to hunt down bugs in uvloop but do not have time to analyse third party code.

Hi! There have been several fixes related to memory leaks since uvloop 0.11.1. Could you please try 0.13.0rc1 and let us know if the leak still occurs?

Did you get a chance to retest?

That's correct, libuv only has a millisecond accuracy for its timers.

To clarify the requirement here: is the plan to leverage some support from libuv or is this a matter of replicating the code from vanilla asyncio? The only reference to...

This may have been solved by could you give uvloop 0.13.0 a spin a report back?

@lgrahl as it's your issue could you give it a go and report back?

@soonum could you please share your test as requested by @1st1 ?

The updated license still contains the following clause: ``` 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written...