Results 29 issues of Jeremy Lainé

Currently PyAV wires up FFmpeg's logging so that messages are sent to Python's traditional loggers instead of going straight to stderr. One such example is simply trying to open a...


This allows running the test suite against FFmpeg builds which do not have libx264 enabled.

Hello, First of all thank you for this package! I noticed that PyPI carries version 1.1.0, but on github: - CHANGELOG.rst stops at version 1.0.6 - refers to version...

It would be nice to start planning support for HTTP/3. aioquic provides a sans-I/O API for HTTP/3 similar to h2 which would make such an integration possible. The main hurdle...


Currently `httpx` is squarely focused on HTTP's traditional request / response paradigm, and there are well-established packages for WebSocket support such as [websockets]( In an HTTP/1.1-only world, this split of...


Servers can indicate a preferred address to be used once the handshake completes. Currently aioquic parses this parameter but does not switch to this address after handshake.

The `QuicConnectionProtocol.create_stream()` method was added to the API early on in the project to provide a way to create a raw pair of reader / writers. However, I have since...

With QUIC standardisation complete (RFC 9000) and HTTP/3 nearing completion, a new spec is shaping up: WebTransport: This specification revolves around a "session" initiated by the client over...