HAH, nevermind. Seems I have to point directly at the "cloud" part, and my mouse is a bit finicky too. Sorry for the interruption.
> There's a patch for this already. See discord pinned messages. But it's experimental. Thought I found it, but the links were dead. Also, I wouldn't know how to compile....
Cool, thanks for your help. It's such a cool feature on the QW MVDSV I thought perhaps I could find it somewhere for Q3.
I see an enhancement label has been added to this post... does this mean it may end up in the server? That would be awesome.
When I leave the server its playing map A. When I return hours later it should continue the rotation in the server scripts and change to map B as soon...
Thanks, figured as much since some teleporter visual "portals" are broke too, I see this with other engines like IOQ3. Time marches on I guess.
Came to post about this issue, can verify on My Shield Pro 2019 also.
FWIW, > Audio requires an app context, but it seems that the workarounds which makes Nvidia Shield fail are unrelated workarounds for Meizu phones. So let's try to split them:...