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Server-side demos for ded server [Feature Request]
Consider this a feature request. Q3SDC back in the day made my Painkeep Arena Server popular as heck. I could take the most recent server demos and play them on a separate demo server in a rotation, and we would gather as spectators and laugh our butts off. I could even replay funny parts since I was the admin.
This would be cool, +1
There's a patch for this already. See discord pinned messages. But it's experimental.
There's a patch for this already. See discord pinned messages. But it's experimental.
Thought I found it, but the links were dead. Also, I wouldn't know how to compile. Is there a recent ded server binary with this included somewhere?
No there's not a server with it. It's not in the main code yet due to its unfinished state.
It also likely won't apply correctly on the current codebase.
Cool, thanks for your help. It's such a cool feature on the QW MVDSV I thought perhaps I could find it somewhere for Q3.
I see an enhancement label has been added to this post... does this mean it may end up in the server?
That would be awesome.
My bud and I have spent the last couple hours scouring the Internet to see if this is doable in 2023.
We would LOVE to have this as an enhancement.
We use a dedicated headless server; hopefully doing demo recordings don't require gfx.