Jeff Keen

Results 20 issues of Jeff Keen

Allow passing `data: {}` into crawl! from this branch `` Ruby 3 compatibility from this branch: `` Hopefully this PR gets merged into the main branch so everyone can benefit...

Graphiti doesn't have much of a caching story right now. For a while I used @richmolj's suggestion of ActionCaching (#160) often I ended up rolling my own logic which sometimes...

Summarizing the lengthy discussion on [slack]( Currently graphiti does not include the resource identifier object of a relationship without explicitly requesting the resource be included. This makes sense in a...

The readme links to for documentation, and those links are dead. Not sure if you're managing now, but that site is loading weird too. It looks like when this gets rendered it's missing the `#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME`, only rendering the time. I'm not sure if this was an intentional design decision or a bug? It...

### What package is this for? - [x ] React ### Describe the bug Upgrading past `react-grid-layout` version `1.2.2` causes the DashboardEditor tests to fail as soon as a card...

type: bug :bug:
severity: 2
status: blocked :no_good:

This is dependent on this PR being merged first, and then the `validated-changeset` version being bumped: The same description applies here: > I'm using ember-changeset with ember-changeset-validations with some...

As described in #1972, qunit-dom doesn't currently have the ability to check css variables. This PR adds that ability.

It doesn't seem like qunit-dom has the ability to check the value of a css custom property/variable, like `--color-text`, or whatever. Am I right about that? I tried using `hasStyle`,...

It took me much longer than it should have to figure out why ember-metrics wasn't enabling. This warning would've helped me out a bunch, and hopefully it helps someone else...