I have created the pre-defined configuration for SNPtest, REGENIE, BOLT-LMM and SAIGE. But not for the METAL because it does not match gwas-ssf requirements and there are two different outputs....
Here is the [initial draft](https://ebispot.github.io/gwas-sumstats-tools-Documentation/#/), and I would appreciate any suggestions you may have to improve it.
I have improved the documentation according to Elliot's suggestion.
I have migrated the documentation repo to EBISPOT: https://ebispot.github.io/gwas-sumstats-tools-documentation/#/
This ticket can be closed.
Where the script and intermediates files are: /nfs/production/keane/amp/AMP_harmonization/harmonization/test/Karatug_LSF_Slurm/LSF
Generating harmonisation log is the last step of the whole pipeline, which inputs are two channel, harmonisation channel, and unmapped channel. harmonisation channel has id GCST, while unmapped channel perviously...