Jianshan Jiang
Jianshan Jiang
Hello, I have just switched plugin from tagbar to vista.vim. But I have found one place I suggest can be changed. If you look into the option `g:vista_echo_cursor_strategy`, if I...
Hello, Could you add the feature to custom define the width and height of floating window? Because most of time we need to see more content inside floating window.
Hello, I have just use vista.vim recently. I have found one issue is that for python file, it will show function arguments and local variable under function name, but C...
Hello, My Vim version is 8.2.1563 and using coc.nvim and coc-python for python, all of them are always keep the newest version. I have 'nmap gd (coc-definition)' in my _vimrc....
Hello, I'm migrating ranger to make it support to run on Windows 7/10. But I got the "_curses.error: werase() returned ERR". I want to get the debug trace from PDCurses....
Hello, I have try ranger in my linux environment openSUSE Leap 15.2 and the feeling is quite good. My laptop has another system is Windows 10. It seems like currently...
Hello, From this website link http://superuser.com/questions/195022/vim-how-to-synchronize-nerdtree-with-current-opened-tab-file-path , I can find the solution to synchronize NERDTree with current opened tab file path. But I'm tring just only use this vim-nerdtree-tabs plugin...