Jianshan Jiang
Jianshan Jiang
Hello, I have used the command "python -m pip install windows-curses" to solve the issue "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_curses'", but after I have go through all the import for...
@zerobikappa , thanks for your hints. I'm migrating ranger to make it support part of functions which can work at windows. Currently the issue is happen for curses on Windows,...
Hello, I have made a debug version of windows-curses and trying to solve the curses error issues now. It will can not be finished soon because I only can do...
Hello, I have just found if I open the .py from the window control by vim-startify, the issue will happen. If I open the .py on the Exploer local, coc-python...
@ryanoasis , I am also use netrw with tpope/vim-vinegar. It's very appreciately if vim-devicons can support netrw.