Jason Sturges

Results 67 comments of Jason Sturges

@rudolfolah Interesting, I haven't seen this library before. Yeah, there are tons of packages - https://github.com/cosinekitty/astronomy is one that predicts upcoming phases. Thousands of SLOC available for advanced scientific usage....

Interesting. Wonder if the module type caused the change. Don’t have a problem with this - let me reproduce and double check CDN usage. But I think this is go.

@mendesbarreto Really appreciate your proactive handling of this. This might ultimately be applied, but I think there's some issue in the package module specifiers. I'll keep this open for now.

@anuaimi Hi, more like #2 in which a `next()` and `last()` was desired. But you're right in that primary and intermediary phases require a configuration option, sort of discussed in...

Likewise, same socket error for iOS simulator while other targets of Android and Mac Catalyst work. Create a new MAUI Blazor App, and launching the template fails with white screen...

@Arslan007 Interesting - I'm on Xcode 14.2 and experiencing the issue, looks like it broke in Xcode 14.2 on iOS 16.2.

@mkArtakMSFT Issue seems isolated to Blazor - as @Thepriestdude indicated, MAUI App (without Blazor) functions perfectly.