Jason Sturges
Jason Sturges
@nadiavanleur Hi, each phase is 3.691 days in a ~29.5 day lunar month for 12 lunations a year. This intercalation normalizes years (and leap years) providing accuracy for the next...
Created #24 to isolate the primary concern here.
@Zenahr Hi, been wanting to explore this but haven't gotten around to it. You could use [unpkg](https://unpkg.com/), which would provide unminified UMD build (2.9k): https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/browser/lunarphase-js..js Let me see if I...
Going to reopen this as a reminder to complete this task - I've been meaning to do this for some time.
@danthareja Hi, appreciate this. My solution is always off by 2-hours, which I haven't had a chance to fully debug. API is great, but I'm not sure this hits the...
@danthareja Sorry, been through an epic saga of buying a home and moving. Sure you've probably incorporated something into your solution - hopefully this helped give you a start. Getting...
@sperardt Hi, thanks. Somewhat similar issue as determining when a sunset actually occurs (civil, nautical, or astronomical twilight). It's a rounding issue, which has confused several people. This chart might...
Design wise, I'd like to keep this simple / functional, but I think it's getting to the point there needs to be some kind of options / params config passed...
This operates like a weather app, and rounds on purpose. It will show waning crescent starting 1.85, even though that phase occurs at 3.69 - and will continue to show...
Think I'm going to change the calculation to report phase at the event, then add a `closestPhase()` function to retain the original intent of this library - weather station graphics...