Jason Sturges

Results 67 comments of Jason Sturges

This is the OpenFL Project XML bug - never works the first time: ``` 2017-03-23 14:01:52,656 [ 123123] ERROR - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - null java.lang.AssertionError at com.intellij.plugins.haxe.ide.projectStructure.ui.HaxeConfigurationEditor$5.actionPerformed(HaxeConfigurationEditor.java:186) ``` ![intellij-plugin](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1213591/24265510/d0674766-0fd1-11e7-90ab-4dfc7c92163e.gif)

Actually, what happens to my configuration must redirect my logs elsewhere. After this error which transforms my IntelliJ to an oddly PC-esque configuration, my log files are no longer updated....

Quite possible - Console reports it's looking for `Contents/bin`, but found `bin`; though, it's within the Contents folder: ``` jsturges:bin jsturges$ pwd /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/Contents/bin ``` Regardless of target, IDE is...

Really appreciate your taking a look. At some point, I need to embrace running a dev environment of this plugin to help debugging. Let me know if I can help...

@EricBishton That makes sense. My haxe environment is behind the times, and I'm a little weary of dealing with IntelliJ issues given my current workload. Let me get back to...

What's the status here? Tracking some issues regarding this across Vega, Vega Lite, and Vega Embed projects. Is there some global CSS missing? In React, if I put this component...

@remvst This may be relevant: https://github.com/pixijs/pixijs/issues/7231 Setting scale mode on the font page textures seems to work with your font: https://codesandbox.io/s/pixi-js-bitmap-text-pixelfont-xkgxqf ```js const pages = PIXI.BitmapFont.available.pixelfont.pageTextures; for (const i in...

Or alternatively, a different low-res font example for you: https://codesandbox.io/s/pixi-js-lores-bitmap-text-i9tlrd

Pixi team can shed more insight, but stroke isn't interactive if I recall - that's why your rect fill works. This CodePen may be of interest: https://codepen.io/m-ahmadi/pen/pNKOZQ?editors=0010 Note how the...

With iOS, I believe the WebGL max texture size is 4,096 - it would happen with any WebGL based framework. Use a site like https://webglreport.com on the device to inspect...