Jason Sturges

Results 67 comments of Jason Sturges

Still evaluating whether I like this, and need to run test cycles of the next several days, but I've landed at: Moon options, in which cycle start _at_ the event...

@sperardt @protyze I've come to the conclusion that presentation concerns need separation from this calculation. As this was originally used to display graphics, there needs to be angle / percentage...

@ryanve Hi, thanks. The `lunageAge()` should do that - it's Earth days since the last new moon. ### Lunar Age Age in Earth days through the current lunar cycle, equivalent...

@ryanve Interesting, I'm not familiar how astrology calculates this. Lunar vs lunisolar calendars align lunar months with the solar year through different intercalation - approximately 29.5 days, although it appears...

@dsbrianwebster Hi, thanks. That's a great idea. Let me get that over the next couple of days.

@varadig Hi, could you sanity check against the [MinimalComps Designer](https://github.com/jasonsturges/minimalcomps-openfl-designer) project to see if the TextArea example implementation returns an error?

@varadig Thanks for confirming - I'm on Mac, and have successfully run the designer. Let me see if I can get a PC setup. Are you running the latest Haxe...

@freem-trg Hi, thanks for the pull request. MinimalComps documentation does state that a List contains: > strings or objects with label property Is that your use case? You are attempting...

That seems strange - have you compared your implementation to the [MinimalComps Designer](https://github.com/jasonsturges/minimalcomps-openfl-designer) project? _comboBox.defaultLabel = "Default label"; _comboBox.addItem({label: "Item 1"}); _comboBox.addItem({label: "Item 2"}); _comboBox.addItem({label: "Item 3"});

This makes sense from the constructor, but I'm not sure I like the private internal data structure set to dynamic. Let me think about this, and prototype these changes.