Jason Sturges

Results 67 comments of Jason Sturges

@MuthuNellai Hi, is existing data in the database? I'm not sure why that key of `18499` would be referenced. Upgrading these projects to .NET 6 has been on my todo...

Using a diff tool, I compared the installation paths of IntelliJ IDEA. The only difference is that the broken install had files missing from `Contents/bin/` Comparing the corrupted install to...

@indolering Totally, just having the plugin installed somehow effects the entire IntelliJ IDEA installation. With it installed, it may seize up opening static web sites, Node, or Flash projects.

@EBatTiVo Not yet - I'd also like to get a plugin development environment setup. I'll get a trace soon.

@EBatTiVo @indolering Sorry, I just don't have any bandwidth until mid-December. If issues persist and I can identify a valid root cause, I will reopen this issue. Meanwhile, IntelliJ IDEA...

@EBatTiVo Cool, thanks - I will get to this, and am looking forward to getting more involved with the plugin at a development level.

@EBatTiVo, @RealyUniqueName Very strange, and most unfortunate - I'm sorry to hear you had to endure that. Hopefully you were able to recover your files. Worst case, I'd think only...

@EricBishton, Hi, good to be back with Haxe. Haxe Support plugin is Version: for IDEA 2016.1 through 2016.3. Infinitely reopening Haxe projects without the plugin is not a problem....

[idea.log.txt](https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/intellij-haxe/files/865824/idea.log.txt) [jdk.table.xml.txt](https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/intellij-haxe/files/865826/jdk.table.xml.txt)

Flash, with major intent behind this to use the debugger.