James George

Results 52 issues of James George

With this we plan to create a ui for MEVN-cli tool which will help developers to add packages and integrations, basically execute different commands used in cli via a ui...

help wanted
priority: low

Write unit tests for all the available commands. - [x] `mevn junkcmd` -> warns on unknown command - [x] command suggestion - [x] `mevn init` - [x] `mevn codesplit` -...

help wanted

Currently, `Mevn-CLI` supports only `express.js` when it comes to the Node.js framework. But there are other frameworks growing in popularity just like `Hapi.js`, `Sails.js` etc.

help wanted

There is an action handler for each command. You can also find a couple of helper functions consumed by the respective handler. We need to write unit tests to ensure...

help wanted

Add prompts such that user is required to decide whether he/she require any sort of test runners (Jest, Ava, Mocha) for the project and automate all further installation procedures. This...


Currently `MEVN-cli` only supports MongoDB and with this addition we could expand it to allow integration for SQL Databases. Also, the necessary configurations for ORM's like `sequelize` is to be...

help wanted
priority: low

Prisma replaces traditional ORMs and custom data access layers with a universal database abstraction used via the Prisma client. It provides Type-safe database access including filters, aggregations, pagination and transactions....

help wanted
priority: low

Add provision for adding code linters (Jshint, Jslint, Eslint etc.) and `prettier` (code formatter) as required.


Users may not be aware about any newer releases being made and would end up using the older versions. [update-notifier](https://www.npmjs.com/package/update-notifier) serves the purpose here. As from the tagline, `Inform users...


Say we've the following CLI definition:- ```sh my-cli [options] init - Initialize serve - serve the project generate - scaffold out a new project -V, version -h, help information ```...