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Integrate SQL databases

Open jamesgeorge007 opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments

Currently MEVN-cli only supports MongoDB and with this addition we could expand it to allow integration for SQL Databases. Also, the necessary configurations for ORM's like sequelize is to be automated.

jamesgeorge007 avatar Feb 07 '19 08:02 jamesgeorge007

I'd like to contribute to adding MySQL. I use MEVN-CLI with MySQL daily. Can we create a subtask for MySQL with the Node MySQL JS connector? I'm new to open-source contributions but I'm deep in the trenches with Node/MySQL.

robertjbass avatar Jun 21 '20 17:06 robertjbass

Hey, @716green thanks for showing interest. As you might have noticed this issue is of low priority at the moment, support for MySQL is of-course on the roadmap (preferably the sequelize ORM). Right now the focus is on the next minor release: V1.8.0, would love to hear your feedback.

jamesgeorge007 avatar Jun 21 '20 17:06 jamesgeorge007