James George

Results 52 issues of James George

### Summary - Configured Jest for e2e tests. - Added a couple of test cases for the default behavior exhibited by the CLI. ### Test plan This PR aims to...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** Test update **Did you add tests for your changes?** This PR aims at fixing the failing test suite. **If relevant, did you...

Presently the repo lacks an issue template which is good to have especially while submitting bug reports. With that being said, IMO we could include a dedicated `--info` flag which...

Getting a lot of requests lately to implement a copy to clipboard button which would come in handy.


### Description This PR introduces abstractions at the workspace level and ports the existing implementation to the new architecture. This will be done in phases, and the changes will be...

### Description This PR fixes an exception with the open shared request in a new tab action where the handler was not in place previously, leading to exceptions. Fixes HFE-431....

### Description This PR adds support for importing multiple collection and environment files simultaneously for all import formats, including import from Gist. Also, the environment values are converted to strings...

The PR author is expected to re-generate the build by running `npm run build` and commit the changes. This adds friction and misses out on the cases with PRs opened...

GitHub will stop running the cron-based trigger if no activity is found to happen on the repository for the past 60 days. Making an empty commit once in a while...

good first issue

The user has to be notified whenever price of bitcoin goes above the value as specified. Notification API doesn't seem to work properly for windows.
