James George

Results 52 issues of James George

As per now, this is just the skeletal implementation. I would like to expand it to a level which would serve the users. > Come up with suggestions :+1:

good first issue

Projects using typescript codebase requires to have type definitions within `.d.ts` files. (Alternatively they can be submitted over to the `DefinitelyTyped` repository and installed via `npm i @types/envinfo`)

**Do you want to request a _feature_ or report a _bug_?** This proposal aims at changing the current behavior of the `create` command. **What is the current behaviour?** As specified...

``` code-splitting ``` is a great feature that can reduce load timings > Lazy loading is a great way to optimize your site, and it does that by splitting your...

closes #42 Warns the user if special characters are used for the projectName in `mern init ` > Also, makes sure that the it is as per the npm package...

Closes #40 Warns the user if he fires in an unknown command with the message `unknown command ` along with the commands available.

Presently, `mern init` doesn't warn if the user gives in special characters for the `ProjectName`. > It should follow the npm package naming conventions.

> I think it is a good idea to show warning to any other commands other than what is available. For instance, if the user makes a typo `mern inis`...

React component involves a lot of boilerplate. So, it'll be great if the next release supports creation of new components as specified by the user. Optionally the user may be...