James George

Results 52 issues of James George

![Screenshot from 2019-12-23 13-25-46](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25279263/71345166-95f81700-258a-11ea-90cd-37af1db62a9e.png)

Attempts made to eliminate code redundancy would be highly appreciated :clap:

help wanted

Write `e2e` tests for the following scenarios:- - [ ] Supplying an unknown command fails. - [ ] Assert whether the expected files are created with `scaffold-static new `. -...

help wanted

The workflow of `scaffold-static new` command is to be tested in isolation.

help wanted

Closes #228 `quasar init arg2` shows up suitable warnings to the user.

Currently, `quasar init arg2` doesn't show any sort of warnings which is good to have :thinking:

### Motivation The utility assumes `git` is already installed and fails miserably if that is not the case (throws an error). ### Proposed Solution IMO, it is good to validate...


`@types/commander` package was deprecated. > This is a stub types definition for commander (https://github.com/tj/commander.js). commander provides its own type definitions, so you don't need @types/commander installed!

`pre-commit` hooks come in handy in the Dev workflow. Now the `format` script is executed automatically on staged files before committing. Added the following as devDependencies:- - [husky](https://github.com/typicode/husky) - [lint-staged](https://github.com/okonet/lint-staged)

Format code as per `prettier` conventions.