Jacob Carlborg

Results 59 issues of Jacob Carlborg

Symbols with the same name as the built-in properties [1] are not handled correctly, i.e. they should have a trailing underscore like real keywords. Examples are `alignof` and `mangleof`. Some...

The following code with Clang blocks [1]: ```c void(^CXCursorVisitorBlock)(void); ``` Is translated to: ```d extern (C): extern __gshared void function () CXCursorVisitorBlock; ``` Which is not correct since D doesn't...


It would be nice if escape sequences could be highlighted in regular expression literals, just as in the JavaScript and Ruby bundles. For example: ``` a = /\t/ ``` In...

`foo = (bar = false) ->` "false" is not highlighted in the above example.

I have a view file written in haml which uses the coffeescript filter and having problem with string interpolation. Since haml uses the #{} syntax for inline ruby and coffeescript...

Are there any plans to port `System_Certificate_Store`?

Instead of storing the macOS SDK in Dropbox, how about creating a job on Travis CI that extracts the macOS SDK and upload it to a GitHub release?

Currently when an inline assembly constraints are wrong, the compiler outputs the same error message regardless of what's wrong: `inline asm constraints are invalid`. It would be nice if the...