Jacob Carlborg

Results 275 comments of Jacob Carlborg

> Shall this generated cuda_runtime_api.d be self-contained? or I need to find the .h which defined cudaError_t, and include those files in the D/step build? Most generated D files will...

At one point I would like to make DStep operate on a whole directory of header files. Then it can hopefully import the D files automatically.

> First, let me say that dstep is amazing and my first experience with it today has made me a believer. Thanks. > Other than needed imports Yeah, the imports...

DStep used to generate code for `a.h` that looked like this: ```d extern (C): struct _Anonymous_0 { int x; int y; } alias A = _Anonymous_0; ``` That is the...

The anonymous symbol is not needed.

> This is likely caused by the version of libclang, readme says 9 or 10 but Debian 10 only has 6 and 7 available. libclang 6 should work as well,...

@mw66 Running through Dub is currently not supported.

Does `CEF_CALLBACK` expand do nothing on Posix?