Jacob Carlborg

Results 59 issues of Jacob Carlborg

When generating the documentation using the `--one-file` flag and opening the result in the browser, it's not possible to scroll the website. ## Steps to reproduce 1. Run the following...


When generating documentation with the `--one-file` flag, the generate output contains a JavaScript error. ## Steps to reproduce 1. Run the following commands: ``` cat > foo.rb # Foobar class...

If I have a dependency in `dub.sdl` like this: ``` dependency "vibe-d" path="~/development/d/vibe.d" ``` Dub fails to expand `~` to the home directory. The error message I get is something...

I change the color of the selection box in the minimap to a border less semi-transparent black. I don't know if you like the color but I think this look...

I think it would be nice if it would be possible to drag the selection box in the minimap. I'm think like how it works in Sublime Text: http://www.sublimetext.com/

I think it's quite hard to actually see where the selection box is in the minimap.Perhaps adding options for selecting the color of the border of the selection box, the...

What's missing: * [x] Tests * [x] Don't hardcode the current SDK * [x] Don't hardcode the current platform version I'm guessing we can hardcode the platform for now since...

Needs Work
Bug Fix
Needs Rebase

With LDC 1.9 beta building a Hello World program results in undefined symbols on macOS: ``` $ cat main.d import std.stdio; void main() { writeln("asd"); } $ ./ldc2 main.d -link-internally...

### System information ``` $ dub --version DUB version 1.31.1, built on Mar 12 2023 $ ldc2 --version LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.32.0): based on DMD v2.102.2 and...


### System information ``` $ dub --version DUB version 1.31.1, built on Mar 12 2023 $ ldc2 --version LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.32.0): based on DMD v2.102.2 and...