Jacob Carlborg

Results 59 issues of Jacob Carlborg

I often copy a Git hash from various places and paste it in the search field in GitX. Often trailing or leading whitespace is accidentally copied as well. It would...

The list of recent search is not very reliable. It only adds searches if you hit enter on the keyboard. Just typing something or using the next or previous search...

There are some problems with the Nullable implementation in ddb: 1. The way `Variant` is used, with a `void*` it doesn't compile. It think it's because `null` has its own...

I bundled together a couple of changes: - Handle both older and the current version of Rubocop (#7) - Add support for Bundler (#7) - Add support for RVM


Simple test-case: http://pastebin.com/dcnm4nmA That's around 15k keys. It takes 31 seconds to serialize. And my structures are full of these hashes, so it would likely take an eternity to serialize...

If the `--config` flag is used and it specifies a directory, the following, not so user friendly, error message is shown: ``` dlp infer-attributes --config /snap/dmd/current/bin test.d Is a directory...

If no compiler is installed, this is the error message that is reported: ``` dlp infer-attributes -h No D compiler found. `Use parseImportsFromConfig` manually. ``` Originally reported here: https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/dlp/issues/8#issuecomment-766057599.

The architecture does not seem to be properly configured. For some things, it's configured for 32bit, for some things 64bit. `dlp infer-attributes` shows errors for ```d import std.bitmanip; auto foo(BitArray...

Running DLP on the DMD code base with the following command: ``` dlp infer-attributes -i src --string-import-path res --string-import-path generated/osx/release/64 --version MARS src/dmd/backend/cod1.d ``` Results in the following compile error:...

compile error