Jürgen Fuhrmann

Results 60 issues of Jürgen Fuhrmann

First: great package ! I feel it can solve some of my design conundrums using this. Do you have any plans (and any chance) to make this compatible with Parametes.jl,...

I plan to drop support of Julia 1.6 for VoronoiFVM.jl and all related packages (e.g. ExtendableGrids etc.). The minimal Julia version to be supported will be 1.9 with its Extension...

There have been issues with precompilation MacOS Intel getting stuck. After some tests which showed no significant influence on loading time (1.10 beta, Linux) I switched off precompilation until I...

See https://julialang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/379007-voronoifvm.2Ejl/topic/stream.20events/near/351741229

More dots in https://github.com/j-fu/VoronoiFVM.jl/blob/d6c8b20dbae9fae18cb53e169b95a7c446370ba4/src/vfvm_transientsolution.jl#L67 ...

Hi, great package idea ! In several packages, e.g. VoronoiFVM.jl, I run code from an `examples` subdirectory and also a couple of Pluto notebooks during CI. Currently these are not...

... this would unblock newer versions of VoronoiFVM.jl Alsl, Add CompatHelper.yml to workflows this will warn about breaking changes in package dependencies and automatically create pull requests

The error already occurs during precompilation: ``` Info Given Pluto was explicitly requested, output will be shown live ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: `complete_symbol` not defined in `REPL.REPLCompletions` Suggestion: check for spelling...

JuliaFormatter does not recognise indexing of string literals. MWE: ``` x=v"1.0" println("$x"[1:end-2]) ``` It errors with ``` ERROR: LoadError: TypeError: in typeassert, expected String, got a value of typeSubString{String} ```