Jürgen Fuhrmann

Results 60 issues of Jürgen Fuhrmann

Here is an MWE: ``` using SparseArrays,LinearSolve n=10000; A=spdiagm(-1=>-rand(n-1),0=>fill(2,n),1=>-rand(n-1)); b=ones(n); x=solve(LinearProblem(A,b)); @time A*x; @time A*x.u; ``` gives ``` 0.507018 seconds (2 allocations: 78.172 KiB) 0.000102 seconds (3 allocations: 78.312 KiB)...

good first issue

Hi, At the moment, in the Pardiso extension: https://github.com/SciML/LinearSolve.jl/blob/3881230cf34d6a0414e8ca12de1280d00f5a0e8b/ext/LinearSolvePardisoExt.jl#L28 it is not possible to distinguish between Pardiso and MKLPardiso Since MKL Pardiso was forked off in the early 2000's these...

Hi, I see that 2.0 is underway, so this may be an occasion to have some discussion about the API. The current API handles preconditioners and direct solvers very differently....

Hi, what are the plans with Layout/ExperimentalLayout ? I find this highly useful, IMHO it can be released as part of the public API.

Hi, is there any way to make javascript based graphics work in the generated html/md ? As a matter of fact, it works in html output from Pluto. However I...

See https://github.com/JuliaSparse/SparseArrays.jl/issues/265 for a discussion of this interface.

See discussion in https://github.com/JuliaSparse/SparseArrays.jl/issues/265

FYI, I am maintaining Triangle_jll on Yggdrasil, it is used by Triangulate.jl. Using this should remove the need for the build stuff.

Hi, IMHO removing `build_lsoptim_objective()` breaks existing code unnecessarily. Moreover, this used to be in usage examples, and I did not find a clear upgrade recipe to the current version.

Often, the first rendering of a plot does not show axis labels, they appear only after moving, or re-rendering. Seemingly linked to initialization sequence, tried to fix it, but to...