Jürgen Fuhrmann

Results 60 issues of Jürgen Fuhrmann

Optionally, this * provides an environment activated at notebook start * disables Pluto's package management Useful e.g. for running CI tests where Pluto notebooks are used to provide examples Known...

Hi, would it be possible to have an option which removes all type annotations for when emitting Julia code ?


Hi, thank you for the great package! I just created a Julia wrapper package: https://github.com/j-fu/AMGCLWrap.jl It uses another C Wrapper https://github.com/j-fu/amgcl_c which instantiates AMG and relaxation solvers for double numbers...

I quite often encountered a situation that Revise.jl somehow ceased to work. No errors messages, nothing besides revise not working - see e.g. https://github.com/fonsp/Pluto.jl/issues/2094 . Testing Revise appears to reliably...

pending pr

At once updated link to Linux resource.

The documentation does not reflect the deprecation of linear indexing (which I find a bit sad BTW): https://github.com/SciML/RecursiveArrayTools.jl/blob/80f2c8621dc45f1ab5b3fa1ccd9a81111277c40f/src/vector_of_array.jl#L14


Hi, my be this is a little related to #1971 but I think it deserves it's own issue. Is there a chance to have links to documentation in the example...

Type: Enhancement

With the creation of `REPLExt`, `complete_remote_package` is not anymore visible in REPLMode. For use in Pluto.jl (see https://github.com/fonsp/Pluto.jl/issues/2810) it would be good to declare this function in `REPLMode.jl` and extend...

Hi, it seems that there are some probelems with gh action for python - matplotlib cannot be installed, see e.g. https://github.com/j-fu/ExtendableGrids.jl/actions/runs/3585658965/jobs/6033920612#step:6:183 My be this is correlated with the fact that...