Jürgen Fuhrmann

Results 60 issues of Jürgen Fuhrmann

I want to do my Winter21/22 Scientific Computing lecture based on this, so I probably will have this in late summer 2021. Any acceleration depends on volunteers. I now prefer...

Hi, we made some preliminary checks of this package, and for for some 2D complex symmetric eigenvalue problems (mode confinement for light waves), it seems to do a pretty good...

Plotting (with PyPlot and now Makie) was added here for convenience. Dependencies are weak, as the `Plotter` module is passed to the plotting methods, so not much overhead when this...

When using the unsuitable callback, the unsuitable method is passed to C through a global variable. Therefore at least in this case, the code is not thread-safe. It should be...

Hi, I have this method for extracting plane cuts and isosurfaces from general tetmeshes: https://github.com/j-fu/GridVisualize.jl/blob/698fb552e250e32a2a5e9a69ff46b0dd28f32db8/src/common.jl#L413 The output can also creates a GeometryBasics.Mesh which can be used with Makie: https://github.com/j-fu/GridVisualize.jl/blob/698fb552e250e32a2a5e9a69ff46b0dd28f32db8/src/makie.jl#L873 There...

FYI, the failed documenter build is due to breaking changes for Documenter v1.0 https://github.com/PetrKryslUCSD/Sparspak.jl/commit/375cb380d2f0e530719dabf9c2fd51e4b9c2c8cf Quick fixes are: - pin Documenter to v0 in docs/Project.jl via compat - pin Documenter to...

triggered by https://discourse.julialang.org/t/from-toy-to-production-code-with-sparse-matrix-and-sparse-direct-factorizations/89105/13 Just a first try. Not yet ready for merge. Main blocking things: - [x] How to pass pivoting strategy ? A the moment it is gussed from...

See https://mathplus.de/topic-development-lab/tes-summer-2024/qoc-workshop/ Just talked with @contra-bit about this - this is the issue to send you the link. In case I can put you in contact with some of the...

Hi, on MacOS11/Intel we have some problem to get Gmsh running. There seems to be some compatibility problem with libcairo. Things worked a while ago but now we get this:...